On, Yoda! On, Batman!

Sideshow’s Holiday Yoda is a fun concept.  I love the notion of this diminutive, wizened master of a power beyond my comprehension wrapped up in the garb of St. Nick and distributing presents across the galaxy.  I mean, imagine him chucking aside that cane of his, then giggling like a fool while bouncing all over a holly-decked room bestowing gifts upon those poor children unlucky enough to be force-sensitive.  Or whatever.

Sideshow based the figure on a 1981 Lucasfilm Xmas card designed by legendary Star Wars concept artist, Ralph McQuarrie.  This sixth-scale figure perfectly captures the spirit of the holiday season using the magic of the Star Wars universe through the Jedi Master who trained youngling from the day of their initiation into the Jedi Order.

But Star Wars isn’t the only magic that touches the lives of millions.  And, since it’s only natural to assume that Yoda would need a ride, and since I’m still riding the wave generated by The Dark Knight Rises, this was the very first illustration that came to my mind.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Who's ready for Christmas!?

